"It's good to be back"
"It's good to be back"
"It's fucking Nine Inch Nails."
"Good things come to those who wait."
A disciple steps forward with a powerful proposition: an alternative "best of" for 2020. Does the Old Man cut the mustard?
"Take my money, my cigarettes; I haven't seen the worst of it yet."
"There's only three things for sure: taxes, death and trouble."
"...I mean, he’s talking about killing people, ‘I had sex with your wife’ — and not in those words. But he’s talking about, ‘I wanna see you deceased’…"
"Look, I'm not sayin' let's get married or nothing – I'm not ready to settle down, and I don't wanna have your baby, but you gotta be the finest specimen I've ever seen."
"This should be played at high volume. Preferably in a residential area."
El amor en los tiempos de coronavirus